Saturday, April 22, 2006

Contagious attitudes

Thanks to Stephen Abram for the link to Angry/negative people can be bad for your brain by Kathy Sierra. (And even more thanks to Stephen for introducing me to the blog Creating Passionate Users.) It’s a long, well-documented post about the neurological effects of hanging out with unhappy people.

In the post, Kathy quotes Ghandi: "Be the change that you want to see in the world." She editorializes: If the scientists are right, I might also add, Be around the change you want to see in the world. Remember the flight attendant's advice... you must put on your own oxygen mask first.

It’s ironic to find this post tonight, as I’ve been reflecting on the effect of group dynamics. In our consortium, many decisions are discussed and recommended through collaborative deliberation at meetings. I have often noticed similarities in group personalities when certain individuals are present, and how they change when certain individuals are absent. Likewise, attitudes in the staff at our office have been remarkably affected by the absence or presence of certain individuals.

I attended a very memorable management training session while working for the Air Force a number of years ago, one I have always remembered, and (I confess) less often heeded. The mood of a workplace (or even a family) is set by leadership – a sincere positive opening to the day is as contagious as a negative, grumpy beginning.


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