Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Minnesota history made today

8-1-07 -- the date the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis went down. I can't remember the last time I drove across the bridge, but I'll sure remember the day it fell. I'm praying for everyone, and wondering if friends or family were on the bridge when it went down.

It's been over 4 hours, and except for a short outing with my dog Lucky, who doesn't let me miss our evening walk, I haven't strayed far from the TV. Recently we've had news conferences and everyone has been saying "check our website" -- for emergency information, for traffic routes to get downtown now that a major route has disappeared, for victim contact information. It strikes me that this is yet another example of the Digital Divide between those of us who have computers and Internet accounts and those who don't.

Offered websites:
City of Minneapolis Website



At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's paper, in an Article, Jon Erichson states that proper infrastructure funding is lacking in Minnesota. Minnesotans (through taxes) pay quite a bit for roads and such, that funding should not be an issue. Why is it that when tragedies happen like this, it is always an issue with funding. I believe its more of a matter on HOW the money is spent, and not how LITTLE there is.


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