Thursday, April 13, 2006

People we count on

Yesterday was a pretty shocking day on a personal level. Not cataclysmic, like earthquakes or tornadoes, but life-changing nevertheless. Yesterday I found out that my hair stylist is moving away. Every four weeks for the past 6 years, I’ve walked to the business next door, collapsed in her chair, and Carol has made my bad-hair-day go away. Very few things in my life are as unsettling as having to find a new stylist – someone I can count on to keep me looking presentable. While I thrive on change and growth, I like those underpinnings of my personal life to remain intact and provide security.

People we count on for our well-being are very important and the thought of their not being there brings panic – people like a dental hygienist, a dog groomer, a hair stylist, maybe even a librarian? How wonderful to have someone in our life who we can count on not to know all the answers, but to be able to find a source for the answers. Someone who will not betray our trust if the information we seek is of a private nature, nor make us feel stupid if our question is something we think everyone else knows.

In this month of April, when we celebrate National Library Week and School Library Media Month – here’s a salute to all the library workers who provide that personalized service, citizens’ personal librarians.


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